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Some tools and things I’ve made

Pong Out

Pong meets Breakout! Hey I made a game! Play it here I’m really happy with how this came out. I had a simple idea and was able to work on and finish it w...


Over the 3 or so years of learning Unity I spent a lot of time making little prototypes for games or game ideas to see how they worked. I really helped me fi...

The Cube

This is The Cube, a small puzzle game I’m building for an upcoming session in my D&D campaign. It will have players navigating a 3x3x3 room cube, solving...

2dpg Devlog 1

So I started working on a new side project, a 2d top down “rpg” I’ve lovingly titled 2dpg (working title, obviously). I’d like to tell a short story in the f...